Monday, June 8, 2009

Wilderness Training - Part I

I am spending this week at a secluded off-site conference center/training facility in rural New Jersey - I know, it sounds like a blast. The management consulting firm that I work for is very good about providing its employees with regular training and development courses and this week it's my turn to join a small group, to improve, and to be improved.

Off-site personal-dynamics are fascinating. The group is about a dozen people, including two company trainers. Right now, after the first day, morale is quite high and everyone is trying very hard to be friendly and to get along. It's not the most diverse group but there is definitely a sense of newness, networking, and unity. The secluded location has brought us together for a single purpose. We'll see for how long the smooth sailing prevails.

I'll take this week to document what happens at an off-site corporate training - who knows, there might be intrigue or there might just be the usual business developments.


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