Monday, August 31, 2009
Mickey Eats Spiderman
I believe that this is a fundamentally brilliant move for Disney. It allows Disney to target key age-based demographics where it had previously been soft: 12-18, 18-24, and 24-34 year-olds - in particular, boys and young men. Where before Disney was brilliant at marketing a wide range of entertainment to children and their parents (typically over 34), now Disney captures the full spectrum - i.e. children, teenagers, young adults, twenty-somethings, young parents, middle-aged parents, and grandparents.
By finding the missing piece of the puzzle at the right time, Disney has once again shown why it's one of the most successful global corporations.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Cave
20% of the reason for calling my blog "Beyond the Cave" stems from my love of Batman. As Batman enthusiasts probably know, the Batcave is considered to be Batman's headquarters. This secret lair is located below Bruce Wayne's (Batman's alter-ego) mansion. It is from where Batman monitors Gotham City, where he conducts his detective work, where his equipment is hidden, and where many of Batman's crime-solving epiphanies occur.
The remaining 5% of the reason for calling my blog "Beyond the Cave" comes from my strange sense of connection to caves. As a child, I distinctly remember driving along curvy mountainous roads imagining the lives of the creatures that lived in the caves that I saw. I feel both fear and excitement when thinking about caves - kind of like how I feel when I write this blog.
But the point of this post is to ask for your help in picking a dedicated domain name for this blog. Unfortunately since is currently taken, I am left with having to choose a different, less obvious name. Including the word "cave" is a must but just doesn't sound right. What do you think?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Twitter is to Email as Radio is to Telephone
Although I believe there is some validity to this overall argument, it is greatly hindered by the assumption that Twitter is a comparable species to MySpace – i.e. that the same evolutionary rules apply to both companies. I believe that Twitter is a fundamentally different beast from either MySpace or Facebook.
While progressive at the time, MySpace and Facebook were designed based on essentially static principles: profiles, virtual bulletin boards (walls), clearly defined networks and connections, groups, and photographs. These principles have been present in static media for decades – in yearbooks, in newsletters, on real walls and bulletin boards, in albums, etc. MySpace and Facebook initially represented the digitization of a pretty old paradigm for socialization. This paradigm is very reliant on the quantity and quality of content and is thus much more vulnerable to fragmentation – whoever offers the most of the best content usually wins more users. Cody’s analysis fits in very nicely within this framework because it clearly depicts how Facebook was able to offer more of better content – primarily driven by both an initial focus on colleges and by the transparency of actual identity verification. Both Facebook and MySpace have changed over time, but their initial principles shaped the trajectory of their relative success.
Twitter is based on different principles and thus relies on a different set of rules, a different group of prerequisites for success. Twitter was initially designed based on essentially dynamic principles: on mobile technology known as SMS (texting). This mobile technology is driven by real-time interaction. It is directly affected by the users’ unique geographical location and the unique perspective that stems from the location. This means that the paradigm is primarily reliant on the quantity of content – and the diversity that inherently stems from large quantities. For Twitter to succeed, it doesn't need to ensure the quality of its content. It only needs to continue to grow the amount of raw information that flows through its system – to become the go-to platform for this form of 140-character communication.
In many ways, Twitter represents a similar evolutionary leap from email that the radio was from the telephone. The radio added a new sense of mobility to distant communication. It opened the door to a more dynamic, democratic, and broader network of communication – eventually allowing the rise of mobile telephony. It also allowed for a much simpler process of rudimentary one-to-many communication. Like radio technology, Twitter represents a platform on top of which different networks are built. Companies will not build around Twitter, they will build on top of it. Because Twitter is a fundamental channel for communication that has opened up its infrastructure to others, its success does not depend on the quality of content that flows through its veins. By encouraging all forms of interaction, Twitter grows the required quantity of information that is transmitted across the system.
What this means is that Twitter is not a social network, it is a tool that social networks use to communicate. It also means that Twitter doesn't need to focus its content on a core target market in order to survive. Just like radio communication is used by billions of different stakeholders, Twitter’s aim should be similar in its broadness. It should serve as the most basic infrastructure for a new form of communication, where the greater the diversity of users and usage-categories, the greater the success of the core platform.
Although promising, Twitter still has numerous important challenges to consider and overcome - many of which I will explore in the near future.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Don't Mess With Fresh
So why does it matter? It matters because certain products have unalienable characteristics ingrained in their being. If these traits were to be fiddled with or disassociated from that product, some real or perceived measure of quality would be lost. If a new car came without that magnificent "new-car" smell, a large portion of the expected emotional fulfilment would be erased.
This is both an opportunity and a threat. When marketers can tap into and magnify these special traits, a new level of customer satisfaction might come about. If those expected quality-characteristics are disturbed, then a disproportionately negative response might arise. I won't make the same mistake again - my next detergent selection will have that familiarly pleasant artificial fresh scent.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What do you want to eat today?
This fragmentation and thus greater choice has been good to the quick-food connoisseur like myself. But it has left me pondering at what point does this niche-ification become unsustainable - i.e. when is the target market too small to maintain profitability?
The answer probably depends most heavily on population density - which can be easily measured. But there also seems to be a fair amount of chance involved. This uncertainty stems from overall food trends. The smaller the niche, the more susceptible these new establishments are to the whims of the crowds. A restaurant serving only vegetarian sandwiches has a smaller chance of surviving a meat-loving cuisine trend than a multi-ethnic Diner. I'm not so sure that new restaurant entrepreneurs consider or even understand this added risk.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Text Me
I completely disagree. At best, video and audio-based communication will serve as an equal complement to the written word. Most likely, text-based exchanges will remain the main form and lifeblood of Internet content.
There are many reasons for this: text is easier to search, text is simpler to translate, text requires less bandwidth, etc. But the main fact that will keep the written word on its throne as the king of content is speed. Writing is still the fastest method to convey and absorb information.
Monday, August 24, 2009
How do you spell that?
There seems to be a general tradeoff between abstraction and defined description. Abstract brand names, such as Twitter and Google, are usually quite interesting and can be mysterious. Sometimes they are difficult to spell or initially remember. But once entered into personal memory, these types of names are usually more difficult to forget. Descriptive brand names, such as General Motors or American Airlines, instantly express the offered product/service. They can be quickly explained but aren't necessarily memorable.

The Internet is riddled with the full spectrum. In many ways, the product/service dictates what spot on the spectrum to hit. But in the end, the choice of brand name most likely depends on the combinations of the entrepreneur's personal taste and the overall branding trends at the time of the company's conception.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Bing Approach
Microsoft has created a reason for me to come back every day. Although that reason is far-removed from the core functionality of Bing, it does get me to at least give it a glance. They've won one battle - capturing my attention. But they've failed to build a superior product so far.
So is this worth anything? Will the novelty of interesting/fun/cool images wear off? Probably. But they do have a few more months before that happens. Bing has its foot in the door but doesn't have the body to walk through. This seems like quite an expensive approach, but for large companies it's viable.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
What's in a Name?
I wasn't searching for typical or mainstream words but a short domain name was a must. This exercise has made me realize how saturated the Internet has quickly become. Not only are there over one billion users now, but these users are more engaged and proactive - i.e. they buy and build websites like never before. There are also those who speculate on website domain names and regularly purchase and sell these digital assets.
So what does this mean? Since most agree that a short domain name is still better, a new Internet language is evolving. That's why the likes of Flickr and Twitter and Zappos are becoming household names. The growing scarcity of common words and combinations of words for domains will also drive the price up. And the ".com" standard will become less important - as has shown.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Saint Bernadette You Made My Night
Saint Bernadette's music is rock at its best. They sound like a unique mixture of Queens of the Stone Age, The White Stripes, Jefferson Airplane, and many other passionate performers. The female lead, Meredith DiMenna, goes from whispers to screams with equally inspired and pleasantly sounding zeal. These musicians are extremely talented.
They seem to have all the pieces needed for massive success. Judging by their MySpace and Facebook pages they will soon hit the tipping point. Hopefully this post gets them one step closer to this new stage - they deserve it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Beyond Nutrition
Food now represents another powerful means to signify a moment. Just like music or movies, different meals remind us of different memories, emotions, thoughts, and even individuals. For Western Society, food is an important component of the nostalgia factor - the motivation for why we make many of our decisions.
Food marketers and master chef-entrepreneurs realize this relatively modern reality. That's why we've seen the proliferation of The Food Network, Top Chef, etc. For better or for worse, that's why food is now used as an additional layer of paint that adds further richness to the painting of our lives.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The iPhone Spy Hurts Innovation
For now, it seems that the Black Box won't be able to remotely communicate with Apple's servers but it does leave the door open for a very discomforting slippery slope. Apple has already been widely criticized for the closed nature of its iPhone - e.g. every single program has to be approved by Apple before it can be sold to iPhone users.
I believe that this development is very detrimental to mobile innovation in the Apple ecosystem. Without the ability to tinker with hardware, personal computers would have never experienced the innovative renaissance of the 1980s and 1990s. I fear that Apple is already stifling innovation by tightly controlling the development of new applications. The Black Box will further this trend with the iPhone's hardware.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Tennis Lesson - Part II
Even a minimal analysis of tennis makes a few valuable themes clear. These lessons can be applied by others who face similar personal and professional hurdles and by those who manage those lone-operators. The main take-aways include:
- External factors must be managed. Tennis is played all across the world on a diverse set of courts - which are made up of grass, clay, etc. A player's level of success often varies widely depending on the environment.
- Morale can quickly affect the outcome. A single "bad" officiating decision or other conflict can instantly derail a tennis player. The lone competitor doesn't have the benefit of teammates or peers to buffer or refocus anger. His own emotions can fester and grow. His mind works without the ability to share thoughts or fears with a coach during the match.
- A complete understanding and comfort with one's tools is required. Many tennis players have experienced a significant decline in their success after switching rackets. The lone competitor reacts disproportionately to a change in his toolset. The racket represents something that a player can completely control - a way to compensate for the environment or emotional outbursts.
- The right preparation is vital. Because the smallest on-court decisions can lead to victory or defeat, tennis players spend years practicing. They develop the necessary physical skills and the mental abilities to properly react to different scenarios. Because the game is so fast and so involved - preparation is usually far more important than talent.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Tennis Lesson - Part I
Tennis is a major global spor

But tennis offers a very valuable venue for building arguments because, unlike any other sport, it mimics a particular real world scenario - it presents a simple model to describe and analyze the solitary competitor. This protagonist is completely alone, where communication with the coach (or caddy) isn't allowed. This hero faces one significant challenge at a time - the live and ever-changing opponent of the day.
Such a scenario is often seen in business and social life. For instance, the solitary salesman often faces a very similar endeavor - tackling one potential sale at a time while alone in the field. Other such circumstances might occur in the line of duty for police officers, soldiers, consultants, spies, etc. Thus the explanatory power of tennis is both relevant and important.
Tomorrow I will describe a few simple but valuable lessons that can be quickly learned from the game of tennis.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Diverse Design
All design is rooted in the fundamental experience of creation. Although I primarily design business-related plans, strategies, financial analyses, market research, and other commercially relevant materials, I regularly apply lessons from completely different design processes and design outputs - e.g. for architecture I peruse Dwell, for far our concepts I explore Toxel, and for the world beyond mine I get lost in the Big Picture.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Fragile Internet
What all of these trends have in common is that they depend on one or more bottlenecks to exist - e.g. social networks such as Facebook, communication platforms such as Twitter, URL shorteners such as, etc. Gone are the days where email was the primary means of communication - i.e. where a technical collapse can be easily isolated to a company or a region. Today, the collapse of Facebook would instantaneously disrupt a global web of communication.
What's particularly frightening is the fact that these bottlenecks have become so important that they are global targets for scammers, nefarious hackers, and other bad guys. Even seemingly benign changes can affect how bottlenecks function and thus how the whole Internet communicates. Three examples from the past week clearly illustrate the delicate nature of the new Web:
- Out of business. This week announced that it was shutting down its operations. Although this second-tier URL shortener is relatively small, it still facilitates thousands of active shared links. Its demise would mean that those links would cease to function, thus instantly creating thousands of dead ends. The potential ramifications of such a meltdown have led to a variety of plans to either save the company or the links themselves.
- Absorbed. A few days ago, Facebook announced that it has purchased FriendFeed - a more robust Twitter-type sharing platform. FriendFeed is still a nascent platform with a small yet growing following and an interesting portfolio of technology and talent. Although the move makes sense, it depicts two troubling facts - 1. Logical consolidation will only lead to bigger and more valuable bottlenecks; 2. The users of these technologies are fickle - as seen by a revolt of old-time FriendFeed users.
- Too big for its own good. Finally, the ongoing saga of the DDOS attacks on Twitter illustrates that bottlenecks are perfect targets for disrupting global communication. The bigger and the more important these new Internet platforms become, the greater the media coverage they will receive, and the larger the probability of more persistent attacks.
In the past, the collapse of AOL's or Yahoo's website would be disruptive but still localized. In the present, we have the growing consolidation of a relatively few global communication platforms. The platforms increasingly sustain a diverse set of economic, artistic, and social activities that provide significant value to our society. These platforms are bottlenecks that are susceptible to a wide variety of disruptions. The emerging Internet is quite fragile for now.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hide Your Face or Get Fired
But it seems that this openness might have also created a Big Brother-like side effect. Today I read that 8% of U.S. companies have fired social media miscreants. This is probably just the beginning. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. Anonymity used to be the main counter-force to the expanded monitoring power enabled by the Internet. Are we now coming to a place where parts of the digital identity have become a liability?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Get Ready for the Tangible Backlash - Part II
- There will be a breakout collectible item that will hit across generational groups and will become a fast-burning yet Billion Dollar opportunity - think the new Beanie Babies.
- The concepts of pure and rare will become closely tied to the real - such as live gatherings, live music, live comedy.
- A premium will be accepted for good design - we already get this with brands such as Apple and and Method, but will also get it in new and unexpected places.
- Anything vintage will be valuable - we already see this with Vinyl music and we'll see it with film, art, toys, design, and other creative outlets that have been recently consumed by the digital domain.
- The real estate and automobile industries will experience a rapid comeback - beating all expectations - what's more real than the home and the ride?
All of these predictions are quite positive and will benefit from riding the economic-recovery wave. They represent opportunities large and small that will offer a significant, yet temporary revival for all that is tangible.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Get Ready for the Tangible Backlash - Part I
The Internet has forced a fundamental societal change. As with any radical cultural revolution, a backlash is inevitable. I believe that we are on the precipice of such a backlash. It will be manifested by the extreme emotional need for the tangible - either through real items or through face-to-face human interaction. The sales of vinyl records will continue to rise. The proliferation non-Twitter gatherings will continue to gain popularity.
This backlash is caused by a nostalgic need for the familiar reality of the past, by the evolutionary human connection to tangible tools, and by the beneficial nature of scarcity.
Real things evoke emotions of "simpler times," of childhood, and of control. This control stems from the physical constraints of real things - these real items and interactions can't be shared on Facebook or retweeted a hundred times. The touch and feel of human interaction cannot be quickly forgotten or digitally reconstructed.
For thousands of years, human beings have utilized physical tools to maintain our existence and improve our environment. The basic paradigms and supporting mechanisms are genetically encoded in our being. It will take a long time for human beings to anatomically embrace the reality of potentially ubiquitous digitization.
Finally, scarcity is much more easily created, maintained, and excused through the existence of tangible products. This is why gold or silver decorations are infinitely more expensive than digital decorations. Scarcity drives many basic economic principles. But scarcity can't be easily replicated in the digital domain - those who benefit from scarcity will continue to foster its existence.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A Proverb For a Reason
From a personal standpoint, this old and simple saying gains more credence every day. From a global perspective, the diminishing returns on time is an important phenomenon to consider - as the day goes by, people typically lose concentration and become tired, thus requiring more time to complete an equal task in the evening compared to the morning.
I take this lesson to heart by scheduling more difficult, mind-intensive tasks earlier in the day. Organizations can learn this lesson by fostering a culture that values the morning and pre-afternoon period more than the afternoon. Important meetings and deadlines rarely end well if scheduled for the evening.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Consumers with a Conscience
For my generation (Generation Y), and increasingly for the global society as a whole, the conscience is really becoming an important factor for all consumer-based decisions. This can be seen in hundreds of examples and is manifested as a need for both individually and environmentally-positive products. For example, Whole Foods, which sells organic groceries, has manged to thrive during the recession. Car companies such as Nissan have invested time and money into costly development and rollout of electric vehicles, placing a bet on this trend. And even the old utility companies now realize the benefits of a real conscience-centric strategy.
There are numerous reasons for this massive and significant trend: the growing publicity and actually tangible repercussions of global warming, the proliferation of personal fitness and health-food information, and most importantly the fact the Generation Y is the first generation to have these ideas reinforced during our entire formal schooling process - from First Grade through College and beyond.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Do Social Networks Stifle Innovation?
I'm not convinced that modern social networks need major change in order for groundbreaking inventions to occur. Building barriers to instant interaction might diminish some groupthink by protecting innovators, but it would also diminish the collective intelligence and communication that is enabled through new, digital social networks. I believe that the benefits of open and fast communication still significantly outweigh any pressures to conform. I also think that we've reached a level of Internet-diversity where radical thinking is near-equally supported and criticized by the masses - no matter how far-fetched the idea.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
To Be or Not To Be
But something feels slightly off about an e-book. I don't believe that I could feel the same satisfaction after completing an e-book that I do feel from finishing an actual physical, paper-and-cardboard book. Maybe I'm subconsciously nostalgic for the positive reinforcement gained in school after finishing a real book and believe that such pleasure wouldn't come from a digital reader. Maybe the e-book crushes my dream of having an actual library in my home. Or maybe I'm just missing something.
Monday, August 3, 2009
World War II All Over Again (Google vs. Apple)
This reminds me a lot of the early developments of World War II - where the once united Nazi Germany and Soviet Union allowed initial conflicts of interest to become outright antagonism and eventual war. I won't guess as to which ally-to-enemy players of the past match the present - but it would be safe to say that late 1930s Poland is equivalent to the modern day mobile ecosystem.

If Germany and Russia had maintained their alliance, Germany would have been able to focus on the Western Front and WWII would have potentially had a different historic outcome. If Google and Apple had maintained their alliance - with Apple focusing on mobile/music and the Mac ecosystem while Google focused on the Internet and PC arenas - Microsoft would have potentially lost its position of PC dominance and significant mobile competitiveness. Now we are left with Microsoft (the U.S. or U.K.-equivalent of WWII?) laughing as its two worst enemies commit a historic mistake.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Functional Flaws
Subway poster Vandalism Art, originally uploaded by Mark_Baratelli.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
There Is No Such Thing as The Norm
The reality of Internet-enabled, rapidly evolving communication-channels forces us to constantly re-learn and re-socialize. This need to repeatedly re-establish norms has wide-scale implications for both individuals and companies. Adaptability and a fundamental comfort with change are required for successful communication.